Thursday, November 15, 2012

Giveaway Winner!...

Yes its that time again...
Time to announce the Winner...

But first a Big !!!THANK YOU!!! to our Sponsor, Heather from: 

She specially made these earrings to go with the Candy Corn Cookies I made!! :)

And  The Winner  is...
~Lauren R.~
So happy  for you Lauren!
(as some of you may know it was Lauren's Birthday yesterday!)
Hope you had a great One!

Love to you all ~Mariah

Friday, November 2, 2012

And the Winner is...

And the Winner of the "Sweet Candle Bake" Candle is....

****Amy B.!****

Thanks everyone for participating, And A big... 
~~~THANK YOU! ~~~
To Sherrine for sponsoring this Giveaway!
I hope you all will visit her Lovely Shop. <3
