Friday, July 6, 2012


Sweet Sixteen... that's Me! (now)
Last week was my Birthday...And I had such a good one!

On Friday My dear Mother and Sisters Planned a Surprise Party for me!
All my friends Came over and well Surprised me... sort of...( Its hard for me to admit, but I found out :( )
The whole day I was surrounded by all (well most) of my dear sisters in Christ!
What a Joy.

And On Tuesday (the day after my B-day)
My Family and I went to the Movie theater! and had such Fun!

Oh God is so good! and he has blessed me in SO many ways!

Much Love~ ME

Here's a Picture of me, and My Awesome present!
Isn't it Cute? I LOVE it :)...PURPLE <3

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Mariah!

    Your bike is awfully adorable :-)


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<3 M.E.