Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lego Entry!

 You all know them, Love them, and Grew up with them!
Those toys no kid can stay away from.
But my dear reader,  It pains me to say that I haven't really  sat down to play with Lego's in a while! 
Yeah sure, here and there I'll sit down to  play with Frankie. and I always love seeing what new creations the kids have built. and I  get such pleasure in seeing what new mini figures the Sib's have brought home!
But I just haven't sat down to create something of my own! :)
 Well Last month, as some of you may know, my dear siblings had a lego Contest over at their blog, Naturally I did not participate, being a sibling and all,
 But this Month I was happy yo find that Melody decided to host here very own as well! 
Naturally I couldn't pass up such a fun opportunity. :)
So I did it!!!
I played with LEGO'S!!!
How I love the adorable piece's of plastic...and will, forever more. :)

So here it is folks...My very own creation!

I decided to do a movie scene for my entry, this is from the movie:


Now my friends, I encourage you...Go off and play  with LEGO'S!!!

Love M.E.

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Journal entry" for lamplighter summer reading challenge:

Hey Ya'll,
The lamplighter summer reading challenge is coming to an end!! :(
It was so much fun to join. and I hope we can do it again next year!
anywho...here is a "journal entrie" I wrote to earn extra  points..."The Three Weavers" is an Awesome book I would encourage you ALL to read! thanks to my dearest friend Melody I was able to barrow it, and glean from its beautiful message! <3


"The Three Weavers".
 A short tale with a message that you will always remember!
 I read this one afternoon, and was so greatly encouraged to keep my heart pure. and trust my heavenly, and earthly father to know what is best! As girls we need to be careful not to give our special gift of purity away to others before our True prince comes along. this is a great reminder to listen to our Fathers instruction, and to trust them with our hearts!
A must read for every little girl!

~Mariah Campana~

The Three Weavers, llustrated

The Three Weavers

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lamplighter summer reading Challenge!

Hello Everyone,
This year my siblings and I are doing The Lamplighter summer reading Challenge!
We are having such fun Listening to Lamplighter dramas, reading and making short videos to earn points!
At the end of the summer if you have made up the required amount of points you win a free audio drama!
Its a great way to stay busy, and set a goal.

Here I have posted a Video Me and My younger siblings just finished today!
We all racked our brains on what book we could do? and finally came to a decision on doing :
"Prisoners of the sea"
Hope you like it...:)
Let me know what you think.
